
Showing posts from 2020

How to create Apple Push Certificate

Step 1: Download Certificate from G Suite Admin Console Login into the Admin and Go to the Devices. Click on the "Setup". Click on the Apple push certificate > setup apple push certificate. Click on "Download" and save the certificate file. Click on “I've downloaded the certificate signing request” box. Step 2: Get A Signed certificate from Apple Click on “ Create an Apple ID ” for the creation of apple id. After clicking “Create an Apple ID” you will see below screen, fill all the details then click on Continue. After creating Apple id click on “ Apple Push Certificates Portal ” . Now click on “create a certificate” . After clicking “create a certificate” you will see below screen then read the “Terms of Use”  Then tick on “I have read and agree to these terms and conditions” then click on “Accept”. Now fill the Notes then click on “Choose File” and select the file which you have downloaded in Step 1 point 4 then click on “Upload” . ...

How to create Apple Push Certificate

Step 1: Download Certificate from G Suite Admin Console Login into the Admin and Go to the Devices. Click on the "Setup". Click on the Apple push certificate > setup apple push certificate. Click on "Download" and save the certificate file. Click on “I've downloaded the certificate signing request” box. Step 2: Get A Signed certificate from Apple Click on “ Create an Apple ID ” for the creation of apple id. After clicking “Create an Apple ID” you will see below screen, fill all the details then click on Continue. After creating Apple id click on “ Apple Push Certificates Portal ” . Now click on “create a certificate” . After clicking “create a certificate” you will see below screen then read the “Terms of Use”  Then tick on “I have read and agree to these terms and conditions” then click on “Accept”. Now fill the Notes then click on “Choose File” and select the file which you have downloaded in Step 1 point 4 then click on “Upload” . ...

Clear BOUNCING state of a Group Member

Overview : If a group member bounces many messages delivered to the group, the member will enter a bounce state. Sometimes, a group member can enter an individual bounce state where messages sent to them might bounce. In this state, the bouncing group member might receive some, but not necessarily all, messages. For protection from malicious attacks, a group member might bounce all messages they receive. When a group member enters the bouncing state the Delivery shows “BOUNCING” as shown below. Clear bouncing status of the User: Login the affected to the Gmail account in the browser. Open a new tab in the browser then past the URL “ /groups/bounced?pli=1 ” in the browser but first put your domain name in the place of “ ” then press the enter, you will see below screen.   To clear bouncing status click on the “Email status here” . After clicking “Email status here”...

How to Send mail from Group id or “SEND MAIL AS” or send mail from different address or from Alias id

Overview: If you want to send mail from different email address or group email address instead of your primary Email address, to configure this setting follow below steps. STEP - 1 : Open your Gmail account in the browser. In the top right click on “setting gearbox” then click on “Settings” . Under settings click on “Account” then click on “Add another email address” . Fill the details as given 1. Name 2. Email address then click on “next step” . After clicking the next step you will get a confirmation message “Before you can send mail as, we need to verify that you own this email address. To perform the verification click "Send Verification". We will then send an email to with instructions on how to verify your address” then click “Send Verification” after that, you will see below screen. STEP - 2: Confirm the address A verification code will get on email id(group id) which you have added in step 1 point 4. Copy th...

Groups Creation in G Suite

Sign into Admin Console . Click on Groups as shown below. Click on Create Groups. Fill the required details then click on NEXT.  a. Group details.  b. Group Owner(s) details(Optional). After Clicking next you see the below screen. Access Type:- Public - Open for your organization. Depending on your settings, it can also be open to people outside your organization. Team - Open for a specific team in your organization, allowed only for internal team or department. Announcement Only - Used for broadcast information to a group. Eg, use this group only receives company news. Restricted - A private group setting for employees who share private or sensitive information. Custom - For manual configuration as per your requirement. Access Setting:- Contact owners - Who is the contact owner for the Group. View Member - Who has access to see the group member. View topic - Who has access to see the posted topic. Publi...