How to create Apple Push Certificate

Step 1: Download Certificate from G Suite Admin Console Login into the Admin and Go to the Devices. Click on the "Setup". Click on the Apple push certificate > setup apple push certificate. Click on "Download" and save the certificate file. Click on “I've downloaded the certificate signing request” box. Step 2: Get A Signed certificate from Apple Click on “ Create an Apple ID ” for the creation of apple id. After clicking “Create an Apple ID” you will see below screen, fill all the details then click on Continue. After creating Apple id click on “ Apple Push Certificates Portal ” . Now click on “create a certificate” . After clicking “create a certificate” you will see below screen then read the “Terms of Use”  Then tick on “I have read and agree to these terms and conditions” then click on “Accept”. Now fill the Notes then click on “Choose File” and select the file which you have downloaded in Step 1 point 4 then click on “Upload” . ...

How to Suspend user in Gsuite || Bulk user Suspend || Restore suspended user

Suspend users in bulk :- 

Before you begin…
  1. After suspending the user will not able to login to his/her account.
  2. Gmail And G Drive will not accessible.
  3. User-created invitee's calendar remains the same but calendar data will be unavailable to the user.
  4. Google site pages will unavailable.
  5. Google Vault data will be unavailable to the user.
  6. Google keeps data will unavailable to the user but shared data still available to the collaborators.
  7. Non-core services like YouTube, blogger, and photos unavailable to the user.
  8. Suspended Accounts will be still charged.
Let's Get started
  • Sign into Admin Console
  • Click on User > Bulk upload Users > Download blank CSV template.
  • Delete all columns except Email Address and New Status column as shown below.
  • Fill the user email ids is in Email address[Required] column and fill Suspend in New Status [UPLOAD ONLY].
  • Then save this file in CSV format(say x).
  • Come to the Admin console Click on User > Bulk upload Users > Attach CSV.

  • Select the file location which you saved in CSV(x) format then click on Upload.
  • After uploading you can check the status of that Email that will be show Suspended.
Note:- If you are getting any error while uploading CSV file kindly check the email id also check the space before and after the email id.


Restore suspend users in bulk :-

  • Follow the same steps as mentioned in “Suspend users in bulk” only change the below steps. 
  • Fill the user email ids is in Email address[Required] column and fill Active in New Status[UPLOAD ONLY]..

 Hope you Like this Article "Suspend users in bulk" if you have any question or query regarding this do not hesitate please mention in the comment section i will happy to help you.


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